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.Wednesday, January 28, 2009 ' 7:44 AM Y
& i walk alone

alright, my fault for spilling all these things out publicly, but please, i did not even state gender not because i don't dare to but i do not want people to guess who is the latter so easily. whatever u think, but seriously, the past times spent with u, really were great. things can never be the same but i don't want to continue this anymore.
scold me a hypocrite for all i care, because I know, and my real friends all know, that i am not.

also, many thanks to LIN jie and WENWEN together with mr blur for being by my side. (:
thanks lots lots!

. ' 5:48 AM Y
& i walk alone

like i'm not brave, but everyone knows who i'm refering to anyway.
and for your information, I am not the one who observed your eating habits and hygiene, but people who u said are your good friends told me. how do they know? not that they observe you on purpose, but u are just sitting beside them, always.

and u admitted that u are the latter in my entry, i did not even specify any gender even. get yoru facts right, now who is the HYPOCRITE?

.Saturday, January 24, 2009 ' 2:36 AM Y
& i walk alone

wow, i couldn't believe my eyes after reading somebody's entry in the blog.

the incident(s) that insinuated a particular person to blog about all arises all because of her own attitude and actions that made people feel that he/she no longer deserves to be in the clique anymore.

but of course, will u allow someone who consistently backstab u behind your back but treated u as if the two of u are twins infront of u to be your friend? a somebody who used unscrupulous method to get back on others but dare not admit he/she is the mastermind of everything? such a sly fox within the clique isn't something everybody wants.

nobody said he/she cried because of us, in fact we do know clearly u cried is not because of us since we did not even waste a single second to bother about u at all, let alone make u cry.
next, very good, the hatred is being reciprocated. they girls and guys had been waiting for this moment for many gazilion months. ought to thank u for your isolation from us. the whole of 08B3 thank u too. i do not wish to be such a meanie but that's exactly what people had been telling me how much they couldn't stand u. we did not THINK that u are speaking tales about us, we KNOW about it. if u don't want others to know, don't do that in the first place.
and of course, how can somebody who is always sucking up and sticking to them like a leech no matter how much they hate it suddenly said that he/she outcasted himself/herself? but anyways, if pride matters matter much to you, fine, YOU outcasted YOURSELF, don't put the blame on us then. do anything and everything solo, and don't go sticking to other people, all of us are sick of hearing people complaining what to do to make u stop sticking to them.

somebody who knows about these things will surely know that the person did all these is just trying to attract attention but somehow, failed. nobody bothered about her except teacher when he/she cried.

want to plot a perfect story, please use your brain to think, even if your brain is just the size of a pea. yes i admit i'm cruel and mean, but everything happen for a reason, and u're the reason this entry exists.

p.s. mas selamat ESCAPED and not KIDNAPPED. i never really read the news and i knew it, or rather, who doesn't ? tsktsk, the one who need counselling aren't anyone of us (: in any case, u've really performed very well, as a clown, since we've had a great time laughing at the mockery u've made. thanks again!

.Thursday, January 22, 2009 ' 7:41 AM Y
& i walk alone

cleanliness and hygiene made up a big part in my daily lifestyle. perhaps due to the culture as practised at home, or to be more specific, my mother who is a cleanliness freak, i became a almost cleanliness freak myself, which is the reason why i am a worthy "tissue girl".

packets of tissue papers could be found within my belongings, usually at the outermost pocket of my bagpack as it enables me to reach out to it easily. slight stains from food or drinks, speck of dirt is an eyesore to me, and tissue paper is the savior. frustrations had been boiling inside of me for quite some time and finally a chance to release it all. thank God there's an invention of blog.

back to hygiene, most likely it is my own personal problem with dirty stuffs, that i tend to wipe myself clean when in contact with it, but it also came with another story of my childhood which relate to my oversensitive skin when i was a young girl back then. dirt and oily stuffs or anything unclean never fails to make a 180 degree turn to my mood.

sadly, someone in my class has a very bad hygiene lifestyle which reflects herself/himself in a very negative light. the actions she/he did will not just scare off hygiene freaks but an average person will feel disgusted as well.

what is the first thing people will do after eating finger food or tidbits? yes, it's either wash it or wipe it with tissue papers before it come into contact with other things and making them dirty. however, this person doesn't do that, after eating (usually in class), she/he just continue to do her/his stuffs as if the hands are clean, and carry on eating thereafter. it isn't hard to imagine how dirty cum oily her/his items and belongings will be i believe, which is why not many people dared to go near her/ him. eeeeeeks, please clean yourself up, thank u (:

.Thursday, December 04, 2008 ' 12:06 PM Y
& i walk alone

The loneliness of midnight
The noisiness of silence
The burden of being wide awake
At this timing of the day
Started me on this entry.

Whew, it's been a long time since i last playing around with words and composing poems. Part of my favourite pasttime during which i did out of boredom during the boring lessons conducted by equally listless teachers who teach for the sake of teaching and not educating.
Trapped in the small classrooms without freedom of our own during lesson times. The feeling is equilavent of a bird being caged in a cage with minimal space for movement.
In such circumstances, I'd no other choice but to play with words and eventually composing this and that which i usually forget about the next moment. At least it's been my buddy and kept me awake during lessons :D
What on earth am i actually blogging? ._.

.Tuesday, October 14, 2008 ' 1:54 AM Y
& i walk alone

Pre-u 1 promotional exams is over for approximately a week now, it's time to go back to school but most of us are still in holiday mood although our holiday has only a span of one week. One week holidays can indeed have a great influence in our daily lives and curriculum huh. haha.

For the past few weeks, i dare to say i really had been working very hard to the extreme of burning midnight oil and consistent studying, but i guess A level standard examinations are really totally different from that of O level, consistent studying for weeks but does not ensure u even a pass in tertiary, but last minute studying for secondary school (excluding those from integrated programme of course, those are mainly genius already ._.) and u can safely get promoted with an ace for most subjects. The transitions i dare say, is really too great for me to get used and adjust to the changes even after months.

If only i can turn back the clock, i will not be as pathetic as i am now. If only i have more courage and confidence, i am sure to excel. If only there is if only, everything will change. But learn to face reality is also part and parcel of life, we can't change reality but we can change ourselves to adapt to changes which is often very hard. This is something i learnt from church (:

Anyway, what's done is done, exams are over and it'll soon be time to realise the report slips. All i want now is just to get promoted, teachers may not see that i have really changed and working very hard, and ignoring that person who had always get me into trouble, but i do know it very well. I have done my best (:

.Tuesday, September 02, 2008 ' 11:09 PM Y
& i walk alone

It's time to post a new entry now! Otherwise this blog would be deemed as dead. After so much incidents that happened in school, things are starting to turn for the better. Many thanks to people who made the right decisions and doing the right things. Although these incidents usually does not involve me directly or doesn't involve me at all (in the beginning), not only the two parties will get hurt but also people around them as this is a school whereby people make friends with one another, with people caring for you. You are hurt = people around you are hurt, this is what true friends are for. (:

Thank God i've true friends who are great, be it in school, out of school or church, thanks for being by my side throughout the storms and dark clouds that hovered on top of me!

Next, I've finally at least started revising! Though it's meager but at least it's a start, I'll keep on bucking up and not lose the motivation. Although my mid year examinations was not well done, or in fact very badly done, but I want to thank kaiyuan for studying with me almost everyday and sacrificing her time to meet at bishan, thanks kaiyuan (:

At current stage, must thank that terrapin and fish, together with nanny cow for studying yesterday with me. (: THANK UUUUUUUUU :D

.Sunday, August 03, 2008 ' 6:19 AM Y
& i walk alone

forced to watch money not enough with mom and edmund, together with my sister yesterday night. shall not dwell on the details but go straight to the story of the movie.

due to my laziness (again), i shall just point out what i've learnt or rather what the movie really is about. it's mainly about singapore, the citizens and the government. due to the high living standards here, with erp charges, taxes and everything, many people has little left from the income after paying those taxes, however despite all these, the living standards have indeed improved drastically. the movie has also shown that in this realistic world, money seems to be almost everything, even if it means to be killing your own parents, the one who brought u up with everything they had, the one who always tried to give u the best ever. people only think and care about themselves, because of money, citizens are becoming self-centred, to save themselves, their loved ones are sacrificed. and yes, the gov is being criticised but i hope that the gov will try to improve with the criticisms, otherwise, it'll reflect the image of singapore gov that they cannot withstand critics even know they claimed that singaporeans have the freedom of speech. IF CRITICISMS FAIL TO KILL U, U TEND TO LEARN FROM IT AND IMPROVE TO BE EVEN BETTER. the critics happened for a reason and sadly, it's true. reflect.


Si jie xD
Sour and sweet 18(soon)
4 April 91


-straight A's for O-lvl (i-m-possible!)
-a guitar + skills to play it
-new bags
-new clothes
-new shoes
-new accessories

-rise up in cg soon
-constant visions and dreams



Ahgong hy
Jincai xD
Curry sauce (:
JC x33
Jing Ting
Kiddo eugene
Lim Min
Miaosi meimei
Mei Chen
Spastic Kaiyuan
sock leng
Susan roti
yankei meimei
Yee may:)
Yi Luan


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